Intelligent Information Systems


Amount of credits – 5.

Forms of the educational process – lectures, laboratory classes.

Form of final control – credit.


Intellectual information systems (ІІS) are the releasization of the development of the usual information systems, which combine the most non-invasive technologies with the high level of autonomy and not only the possibilities of the development of information for decision-making, but also for the development of solutions for decision-makers.

The most effective is the use of the IIS in the form of poorly formalized structures, for the solution of which are used the heuristic procedures and in which solutions are taken along with the ecological symbols of the physical factors of the factors - ecological, political, and social.

The main content of the discipline is devoted to the study of modern intellectual methods and means of effective solution of the problems of management of socio-economic and technical systems.

The purpose of the discipline. To provide students with in depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of management of socio-economic and technical systems, application and development of modern information technologies focused on solving the problems of effective management of socio-economic and technical systems.

Formation of students' competencies focused on the creation and application of modern information technologies to solve problems of effective management of socio-economic and technical systems.

Task of the discipline.

To achieve the goal set the following main tasks:

  • Formation of students competence in the analysis of information systems, organization of information flows in the management of business activities, the use of a process approach to the development of automated information management systems (IMS), the development of information architecture and the structure of IMS;
  • Mastering the practical skills in the environment of finished software products;
  • Development of information provision of the IP project with justification and choice of certain standards and methods of information processing on the basis of the use of an intellectual approach.
Subject learning objectives

After successful study of a discipline the student must be able:

  1. To define the basic approaches and concepts of methods of computing intelligence in the analysis of complex objects and systems and description of business processes.
  2. To formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions of scientific problems at the abstract level by their decomposition into components that can be investigated separately in their more or less important aspects.
  3. To develop and implement models of information systems by means of computational intelligence and computer simulation.
  4. To integrate knowledge from other disciplines, apply a systematic approach and take into account non-technical aspects in solving engineering tasks and conducting research.
  5. To apply modern software products, IT-technologies and technological tools in professional activity, to critically evaluate the results obtained and to protect the decisions made.
Course intended learning outcomes

Study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students of competencies:

  • the ability to collect and analyze scientific and technical information, take into account current trends of development and use the achievements of domestic and foreign science, technology and technology in professional activities;
  • students mastering the theory and practice of methods of constructing and using intelligent information systems (IIS) using both traditional and modern information technologies, as well as the formation of a stable motivation for students to self-education through the organization of their independent activities.

Topic 1. Basic concepts of IIS. Technologies of integrated general purpose IIS.
Topic 2. Evolutionary analogues in artificial IIS.
Topic 3. Technologies of expert systems development.
Topic 4. Knowledge Base IIS.
Topic 5. Intelligent multi-agent systems.
Topic 6. IIS based on artificial neural networks.
Topic 7. Technical and software tools for implementation of IIS. Examples of modern IIS.

  1.  Андрейчиков А.В., Андрейчикова О.Н. Интеллектуальные информационные системы: Учебник. – М.: Финансы и статистика, 2006.
  2. Гаврилова Т.А., Хорошевский В.Ф. Базы знаний интеллектуальных систем. – М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2003.
  3. Джексон П. Введение в экспертные системы.: Пер. с англ.:Учеб. пос. – М.: Учеб. пос. – М.: Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2001.
  4. Путькина Л.В., Пискунова Т.Г. Интеллектуальные информационные системы: учеб. пособие. – СПб: Изд-во СПбГУП, 2008.
  5. Mathias Weske, Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures, Springer, 2007, ISBN: 3540735216.
  6. Christos Kalloniatis(Editor) Modern Information Systems, ISBN 978-953-51-0647-0, 174 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published June 13, 2012